Manage Your Content Like Radiohead

radiohead.JPGThe recording industry is in upheaval. File-sharing, downloads, copying, live unauthorized recordings — their model of pay-for-play is vanishing faster than a $99 airfare. Many companies and groups are clinging to the past, via lawsuits and threats. Others are looking for new models and doing some interesting experiments.

Like the rock group Radiohead. They’ve left their label, and are releasing their newest album for free, on the net. All they ask is that you pay whatever you’d like. No ads on MTV, no distribution costs, no glossy CD covers, and no money for their traditional recording label. What would it look like if your Learning Department tried out this sort of a model?


1. Dramatically Lower Costs No more binders, colorful covers, smiling trainers, posters, nametags or coffee urns.

2. Dramatically Faster Availability Finish your content, put a PDF up on the web. Done.

3. Dramatically Easier Demonstration of Value You could show your executives that some content was valued highly, and that some was not. Then either eliminate the junk nobody valued, or find someone who wanted to sponsor it.

4. Dramatically Happier Learners Nobody will have an issue with something they pay for only if they like it.

5. Dramatically Different You In this new world, you’ll get immediate feedback on what you’re providing, and have immediate demonstration of the value (or lack thereof) that you add. If that scares you, it probably should.


So — does that rock your world?

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