ELDC — Manage Your Learning Organization Like e-Bay

I’m presenting three sessions at the e-Learning Developer’s Conference in Salt Lake City June 14-16.


Manage Your Learning Organization Like e-Bay

I wrote a blog post last year that asked training managers to fantasize about what their organizations would look like if they ran their orgs around eBay’s three principles:

1. They don’t buy stuff
2. They don’t own stuff
3. They don’t sell stuff

It created quite a stir with some friends in the training community, and eventually became a session at a regional ASTD event. We had a great time talking about how letting go of some of our preconceptions might change the way we thought about how we managed learning.

(For example: If you didn’t “OWN” whether the content was successful, but the stakeholder did. If you didn’t “BUY” content with your resources of development, but the end users did. If you didn’t “SELL” content by trying to get people to attend classes, but let users vote with their feet.)

It became a great experience in thinking about some of the core beliefs that we all share about the training function. I’d like to talk a little bit about the idea, and then we’ll collaborate on a discussion of what you might do differently if we did it like eBay!

Tags: development, learning, management, organization, organizational, training

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