Search: powerpoint

Here’s another entry in our 435-part series, entitled “Bad PowerPoint”. (There are some people who would say that’s redundant.) While I don’t think the tool is necessarily bad, the overwhelming examples of how people use it are just that. And I hope that calling attention to some of the worst offenders we can at least get them federal money or some type of rehab program.

The CEO’s site is in Dutch (in more than one meaning) and I can’t really tell much about what’s going on. But there really is only one question here: What was he thinking?


Thanks to Seth Godin for the pointer.

Sometimes PPT can be a very effective tool, if you’re trying to make confusion look like a plan.

Lost in the MS roadmap

The only thing that’s consistent is the little white shadow in the upper right of each banner.

Just another in our series of PowerPoint gone bad. Pretty clearly explains the issues with hearing loss, right? Huh?
PPT Hearing Slide


Sometimes, it’s possible to share a little too much information.  What is the key information that you’re trying to communicate?

Haven’t we seen this one enough?
