Amusing Myself During Conference Calls

I spend a lot of time on conference calls — living, as I do, in the middle of a small southern state — and am often pretty bored with not much to do. Typing on the keyboard makes noise, and if I hit the “mute” button I often forget to turn the mic back on when I want to talk.

But I have found that fooling around with Photoshop is nearly soundless, and sometimes quite amusing. I now have a lovely new avatar for Twitter.


So — be honest. Should this be the image that goes up at the top of the blog?

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John McElhenney March 8, 2009 at 2:01 pm

How funny! What’s really fun on con calls is to be on IM with some of your “closer” folks and crosstalk during the meeting. Now, I would never recommend this during an important meeting, but those repetitive ALL HANDS that someone calls just to feel like the TEAM is assembled, those are usually fair game, especially the 3rd one in a week! Especially!

And if you do it with a archiving IM client, you could have fodder for keeping those subversives in line… Oh wait, I’m a subversive. Darn!

Please disregard this post.



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