Post Office Idol — Voting For The Stars!

Fox Television has just announced a new reality show called “Post Office Idol” where customers at every post office in America will be given the opportunity to vote for their favorite employee each week.  For a low fee of $5 per call, fox_realitythey can choose which employee was the most helpful, gave the best service, or got the line moving the fastest.  Multiple votes are allowed by the same customer, as long as each vote is accompanied by the $5 payment.

At the end of each week, the employee with the highest score gets 50% of the total cash take, with the balance going to Federal Defecit.  The employee with the lowest score is immediately terminated, and the first job applicant in line is hired to take their place.  The game begins again on Monday morning.

Other shows already in the planning stages are “DMV Hero”, “Funeral Home Hero”, and “That Place You Have To Go To Get Your Insurance Physical Hero”.  Advertising is selling at well over $1 million dollars per minute.


OK — I’m fibbing, just a little.  Fox doesn’t have this show on the fall schedule, yet.  And I’m not really recommending that we terminate employees of the Post Office just because they have a bad day — except for the one that was waiting on me today.

But I’m wondering what your learning and training products might look like if the consumers of your service actually had to call in and vote in front of God and everybody on what they thought.  If three celebrity judges listened to you talk about your content on stage in front of millions, live — and then made jokes about what they saw.  Would you make the grade?  I know that I’d have damp armpits.

But hopefully, some of us would make customers look like this:

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