Amazing Content Twix To Gain Traffic

If you’ve got a web page, or a blog, or an AOL site for your collection of Fonzie memorabilia — you’d like to have more traffic.  Here are three simple Twix to improve your content and make those traffic stats shoot right off the charts.

twixIf you’re wondering whether or not I can properly spell “tricks” — fear not.  I’m headed for a meeting of the Social Media Club in Greenville, SC tomorrow morning.  And I’ll be handing out business cards with a little “Twix” bar attached, as I tell people about this post.

Clever, huh?  An amazing play on words (being as I’m a “content guy”) that gets all those people to go and read my blog, because of the guilt they’ll feel after eating that free candy.  Just consider this an “Extwa Twix” for you to use — at no charge.

Twix #1:  Bribe Them
Offer your readers something they actually want — the answer to a question, the solution to a problem, or a way to solve pain.  Don’t just give them a link to an interesting site and some quotes from it, explain clearly why it will make their life better.  Tell them how they’ll lose weight the moment they get there — or how their sex life will improve just from spending time there.

Twix #2:  Speak Their Language
Make sure that you’re using words that the audience might enter in a search tool to find information.  You’ll get more hits from a headline that says “How To Escape A Shark” than one that says “Current Research On Techniques Of Decampment From The Vicinity Of Large Hungry Ocean Dwellers”.  (Headline #2 is perfectly appropriate if writing for an audience of Ph.D. candidates or Nigerian Finance Ministers.)

Twix #3:  Use Key Words In Your Links
If you’re linking to other web sites (a good thing) be sure that your actual hot links contain the key words that people search for:

BAD: …and you can find how to tie your shoes right here.

GOOD: …and you can find how to tie your shoes right here.

Search engines give you additional points for links that contain “hot” words.


OK — ready to get that content into shape?  Leave me a comment, and I’ll send you an empty wrapper from a Twix bar that I ate in your name.

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Anita McCants July 30, 2009 at 7:28 am

Thanks for that helpful
tip for Twix #3


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